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Nashville Cash
& Carry, LLC 

5001 Charlotte Avenue
Nashville, TN 37209
615/298-2250 Phone
615/385-1440 Fax

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Nashville Cash & Carry, LLC
Our History
"About Us "Senior Management

"Nashville Cash & Carry is Choice Food Group’s first investment in a retail food outlet. As a Nashville tradition for over 30 years, the store’s character, quality of service and discounted products still remain a hallmark under its new ownership.

Established as a dry goods and grocery supplier to Middle Tennessee

Opened its first “cash & carry” outlet store to dispose of “salvage” merchandise.

Moved its cash & carry outlet store to 5001 Charlotte Pike and changed format to carry only first-run merchandise.

July 15, 2004
Arthur “Buddy” Best and Les Coble purchased the business, changing the store name to Nashville Cash & Carry.

January 1, 2007
Choice Food Group acquires the business and retains the store name.